Posted on 2010 05, 15 by PamelaEwen
From Turin, Italy – May 13, 2010: Seeing the Shroud in the Cathedral at Turin was one of the most important moments in my life. Nevertheless, as I mentioned earlier, the Shroud was restored in 2002 and controversy has raged over the results ever since. When I came out of the darkened room, I had tears in my eyes–tears of joy, but also tears of sorrow.
Posted on 2010 05, 12 by PamelaEwen
From Turin, Italy – May 12, 2010. We’re here!!! Because of the recent eruption of volcanic ash, it took Jimmy and I twenty-four hours to get to Turin. We flew right over Iceland and that volcano to see the Shroud of Turin. Does that flight pattern make sense to you? You’d think there’d be a more practical route, given that volcano’s temperment.
Posted on 2010 05, 05 by PamelaEwen

Coming in September!
In a few days Jimmy and I will be on our way to Turin, Italy to view the Shroud, and I’ve been thinking about the miraculous image on that cloth. I will share the experience of being in Turin during this rare exhibition next week in blogs and hope you’ll join us. We’ll be with Barry Schwortz, one of the world’s great experts on the Shroud, so I’ll pass along the latest information as we get it.
Posted on 2010 04, 10 by PamelaEwen
Leo has entered the room. One way to stop a good party anytime is to have Leo enter the room.
“That’s not very nice,” Emily snaps. I jump. How’d she know what I was thinking?
“Guess,” she says in a tone I think is a little bit sarcastic. “You’re The Writer…aren’t you?” She looks at me and squints, as though she’d never really seen me from this perspective before.
“Yes, I am,” I say, a little chagrined. I’d hoped to keep a low profile back here behind the mirror. But I just get excited, and when I get that way the words just jump out of my mind before I can control them.